Well… hate is a strong word, so let’s say strongly dislike…
So there you are… driving to work… listening to your music and you haven’t had your morning pick-me-up just yet. You’re praying, “Lord… please let this be a good day… and please don’t let me have to go off on… [fill in the blank]”.
Girlfriends, you know there’s always that one co-worker… but I digress. (LOL)

I mean, let’s face it! Most people are not currently working at their dream job… but are, hopefully, still grateful to be employed, nonetheless. But working somewhere that you don't necessarily want to be at in the first place, can really put a damper on a girl’s productivity.
So until your passion becomes your career, let’s review a few tips to help any girl stay productive while working at a job she... umm... strongly dislikes, because at the end of the day, there’s bills to be paid!
Dress Up!
Looking and feeling one’s best is always a guaranteed mood booster.
I’m not saying you have to walk out of your place looking like you just stepped out of a magazine, but getting yourself together to be your best self can really boost a girl’s self-esteem.
Putting on a cute outfit, fixing up your hair a little, and putting on a least a dab of lip gloss will have you feeling like you can conquer the world. Because when you look good… you feel good, which will in turn, boost your productivity at work!
Create a List!
First thing’s first. After you have gotten to work, settled in, and maybe grabbed your first cup of coffee… take a seat and create a list of all the things you need to get done that day.
By knowing the tasks that need to get completed, you can prioritize your day depending on how you work best. Personally… I like to get most of my difficult, or more time consuming tasks done in the morning when my mind is fresh and clear. The quick and easy tasks come later in the day when my brain is tired and I’m dragging because I'm ready to go home.
You may work better the other way around. So do what works best for you as long as it gets done, because procrastination will easily sneak up. Then check that thang off the list, feeling accomplished, because you know that’s one less thing you have to do!
Listen to Music!
Working with other people can sometimes be fun, buuut sometimes be a little bit annoying… especially when you have work to do. So if it’s okay with your employer… pop in your earbuds and tune into your favorite playlist or Pandora station to help keep your focus on the task at hand.
Tuning out distractions will definitely rev up productivity so try it out and see how quickly things will start movin’ and shakin’ once you get on a roll.
Leave Work… at Work!
Many of us complain about not having a solid work-life balance, but the fact of the matter is… the more we get done at work, the less we may feel like we have to do later (or at home).
Take full advantage of the eight, nine or ten hours you give your job and give it all you got… but when the time rolls around for you to leave… don’t look back once you walk out those doors (unless it’s an occasion where it’s absolutely necessary).
And when you get home, do something to help you unwind like taking a jog, relax in a hot bubble bath with a glass of wine, or doing something fun with the kiddo(s).
Find things to Enjoy Outside of Work!
What’s your true passion? Have you found it yet? Chances are… if you are reading this post, your passion is not your current place of work.
However, finding things to do outside of work can really relieve that bogged down feeling you get when you think about how much you dislike your job, because your mind is focused on the happiness you are feeling in the moment.
If you haven’t yet found what you really want to do in life… try doing some new things like taking a cooking, photography, or sewing class. Or if you’re feeling active, try hiking, zip-lining or even skydiving. Hey… you never know how something you truly enjoy can actually turn into a full-time career!
Get Excited on Payday!
Finally… It’s payday baby! You've made it through another pay cycle. Yesss!
Payday is typically one the most exciting days of the month for me (yes, monthly pay… another topic for another day). But there’s something about waking up and seeing that direct deposit hit your bank account that makes going to a job you dislike seem….. not so bad after all.
The good news is that you're employed and are able to support your household... many are not so fortunate.
So hold your head up high, girlfriend and hang in there. Keep working on your passion and take the necessary steps to get you to where you want to go. Until then... try out these suggestions and let me know how they work out for you.
Until Next Time,
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